Roles of Children

In the context of the XVI Festival of Children’s Creative Work plays were performed in the “Timur” theatre, in which our children participated as well. Every single role of the young actors and actresses has spoken to the heart and evoked the best and most excellent feelings.

The main message of the “Green Flag of Hope” play (telling us a story about Yanush Korchak) could be conveyed with the words of the main character:

“I never pray as long as I can. I never kow-tow to you, my Lord. But I have a hope in my heart, and it tells me: Lead me worthy and be a good person. Then pray, but don’t ask anything from Him. Just pray to remember about Him and watch Him guiding you!”

Of course, children are the most important aspect of the plays. 

The events of the story remind us about our obligation to be reminded of the dreadful things which come from war, of love and hope, and of people who dedicated themselves to children.

When in August 1942 there was the order of deporting orphans, Korchak, his assistant, and a friend Stephania Vilchinska (1886-1942) and other kindergartners and almost 200 children went to a station, from where they all were sent to Treblinka. He refused to save himself and accepted death together with all children in a gas chamber.

We wish children success in this art!

We want to share these words from the play:

“Still I pray to you, my Lord, with my heart needs. Help children, bless their efforts, give them the joy to go down the difficult path to happiness and goodness.

So be it!”

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