The Principle of Perseverance.

Today at a meeting with the children we talked about the importance of maintaining the principle of perseverance in life.

This is a universal principle which leads to success, be it in sports or business.

To begin with, we discussed the important role which perseverance plays in the achievement of goals.  For the youth, the success of their peers in the “Believe in Yourself” recreational games provided a great example.

Some perfect example for the kids of perseverance leading to success came from some of our friends. These friends include Lori Shenefield, TEAM Recruiting Services company president  (from the United States) and Irina Pochenikina and Roman Kushnaryov from TEAM International.

Lori Shenefield told her life story and shared with the children the secret of her success.

The children listened with great interest as Lori retold how she started her career at age 13 and step by step worked towards her goal, fearlessly, of the sophisticated work she now does.

Lori also gave some important advice: “Whatever you may do in life, be open and honest with people, try to learn more, work hard, and go hard towards your goal”. Irina Pochenikina and Roman Kushnaryov also shared their examples.

At the end of the meeting the children received tasty treats and interesting, skill-developing board games.We hope that the children will use these principles, and because of them find success.

We thank Lori Shenefield, Irina Pochenikina, and Roman Kushnaryov for coming and sharing such interesting information with the children, which will help them achieve triumph in life

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