
I havent been to school because I did not have shoes. We have come from Donetsk. We used to have a private house, but it was destroyed with a bomb.

They need psychological adjustment because of the war trauma. There are some relatives in Donetsk. V. has a sister, but mother has left her as well right after the birth and the father is in jail.


M. has a mother, who used to be a teacher. She has got only some documents to come here. They have lost everything there. The girl is shocked with two hard traumas: a family (there was a difficult divorce and their father does not support them) and the war reasoned.

Two boys live with their grandfather.


Mother does not have a job. It is hard to find any job, because they are escapees.


A large family with 5 children, where the oldest is 11 years old.

Mother is all the time at work (but there is no such profession in the labor law...).


Single mother works at shop at nights (from 2.00 to 8.00). The child of 10 years old stays at home alone during the nights.


My house has been damaged with bombardment and the the car burnt. I have simply got my passport and daughter with me. We have gone from Donetsk to Mariupol first, but then we were made to leave Mariupol as well.

No happy stories.

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