Presentation "The Healthy Teeth - The Pledge of Health" with children from Boarding School #8

Thanks to doctor Edward Hassy for gifts for children.

On January, 24 in Boarding School #8 we showed the presentation on the topic: "The Healthy Teeth - The Pledge of Health". There were children from the 9th-10th classes at the presentation. The meeting was in the form of a game. Children took an active part in the game, playing different roles. Riddles, games, questions, and answers evoked joyful responses in the children's hearts. Presents were really a pleasant surprise for them. Everybody got a toothbrush, toothpaste and sweets.
The main measurement of our work was joyful and grateful children's faces.

Наталья Андреевна проводит занятие

Natalia Andreevna leads the class


Ребята с подарками

Children with gifts

Выражаем благодарность доктору Эдварду Хэсси за предоставленные подарки для детей.

Thanks to doctor Edward Hassy for gifts for children.

Осваиваем компьютер

We master a computer

Дети задают вопросы Алле

Children ask questions to Alla

Просмотр видеоролика о нашей предыдущей встрече

Children watch the video movie aboutour previous meeting


Полезные подарки

Useful presents

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