Never give up

There are situations when people after a serious injury learn how to walk, to speak, to eat. They have to learn doing simple things over again, the things others do easily without a moment’s hesitation.

I have met lots of people who had serious ijuries. They can be divided into two categories: the frist ones are cracked because of injury and they gravitate to the bottom, the second ones not only recover but also build a career, create happy families and seek sporting wins.

While recovery, especially during the first period after the injury, the loved ones’ support plays a major role.

The same analogy can be drawn between people who come from the war region. Having no job, no lodgings, they have to face lots of problems, to start all over again. During the first stage the support is very important for them.

Today we have met with refugees in the Family and Youth Centre of Ordzhonikidze district. We have talked about meaning of faith, we have dicussed how it is important to look for bright spots that we don’t notice because we concentrate on problems, how to go on even in the hardest times.

The meeting has been held in a friendly atmosphere, it has been a tea-meeting, and we have watched a videofilm about men of spirit. The children have played with toys that had been presented by volunteers, they have painted. Every one has obtained grocery baskets, office supplies, toys and medicines.

I hope so very much that today’s meeting has inspired and encouraged people no to give up when facing rough times.

We show our appreciation to all volunteers and especially to Darina’s family!

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