The three stories


Today we have discussed with children three histories:

The first story

It is about one selfish and greedy rich man.

The second hero of the history was an old and poor man. He became so poor not because he was lazy, but due to natural disaster. But despite his plight, he helped people in need, because they faced difficult times too.

It is not hard to guess who is worthy of respect.

The second story

One father had two sons. He considered the elder son to be best successor in family business.

Once the father needed help very much and asked his sons to help him. The younger son was busy and refused to help. When the father asked for help his elder son, he said that it was his duty to help his father and assured the father of his help. But really he didn’t want to help his father. He was thinking: “My father always decided all the issues by himself and will decide now. When I take his place and the business is mine, then I’ll get into it and understand how to manage it”.

Meanwhile, the younger son realized that he was wrong and helped his father to cope with difficulties. Due to the choice made by the brothers, the father understood who was a truly worthy successor in family business.

The third story

One man had a big business. Three his workers came to him and said that they wanted to take a position of Senior Manager.

Each of them was given different amount of money according to their capabilities.

Two of them were working hard and managed to increase their capital.

The third worker did nothing, as he was lazy.

When it came time to pay the debt, the two workers paid back the borrowed money in double amount, as they were very pleased with their earnings and grateful for the chance to earn. Moreover, they took an active part in charity and were socially responsible.

The third worker didn’t want to make any efforts. He put the borrowed money in the drawer and was glad to be able to save it in these uncertain times.

It is not hard to guess who got the job and who didn’t.

The children liked these stories very much. They took an active part in discussion and expressed their opinions with pleasure.

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