«Look at us as at your equals»

Within the framework of our program,Look at us as at your equals,the lesson is  aimed at the disclosure of General declaration of human rights, Convention of child’s rights, Convention of handicapped persons’ rights, and forming a more positive attitude of society toward children with slight abnormalities of psychophysiological development as to the full-fledged freemen of Ukraine was conducted.

We invited the representative of Kharkiv City organization of blind jurists, Shramko Igor to provide competent information.

We bring to your attention the story of the participant of this meeting  - Tatiana Starovoytova.

“For the first time in my life, I was in orphanage. For many years I had the desire to work with orphans, to help them to become full members of our society, to help them  regulate their lives, to make real their wishes, to give them the understanding of their possibilities, to help them understanding that their lives are in their hands, and to teach them to take responsibilities. But because of various reasons, I have been postponing this step. And at last I made up my mind. And I am here – in boarding school number 8 for children with poliomyelitis’ and cerebral spastic infantile paralysis’ consequences.

Oleg invited the jurist to give the lecture about child’s rights.

I was going there and did not know what to expect. I do not mean I did not know anything (because I have read a lot about orphans, their lives, their problems and needs), but I understood that in a few minutes I would see everything with my own eyes and who knew to what extent the picture that I imagine for myself will match the reality? I had very mixed feelings. I did not think a lot, I was just going.

And here I was, at the juridical lecture. There were children from 7-11 classes. The jurist came.

To tell the truth this jurist greatly impressed me. I could expect to be impressed by everything except the jurist.  Why did he impress me? He impressed me because being blind he leads the full life. He did not look poor and unhappy. On the contrary, he appeared as a dignified jurist that finished a special school for visually impaired persons, law university, and seminary. In addition, he travels on business to the USA. He impressed me enormously. I admired this man. He is much better than many people who have good eyesight and are in a good state.

He gave a very professional, intelligible lecture to children about child’s rights, U.N.O. convention, specificity of legislation regarding handicapped persons. You could see that he was competent in this field and gave the information to children as understandably as possible.

Children listened calmly, did not interrupt him, did not make noise, and some of them actively asked questions. Many of them already had some ideas about this subject and from their own experience knew the attitude of our society to handicapped persons and difficulties that such people have in their lives in our country….

We are not in the USA or in Europe where everything (transport, all museums, premises, WC, everything) are adapted for people with special needs. In our country the majority of such people are obliged to lead a secluded life in their flats because of the absence of possibilities to move freely. In developed countries, handicapped persons are full members of the society. They work, move wherever they want, visit cultural events, and lead the active lifestyle. Their rights are carefully respected and defended. We are still a long way off. But this system is developing and some innovations have been already made.

Nevertheless, there are still a lot of difficulties in legislation and especially in people’s attitudes toward handicapped persons. And as a result, there are problems in such persons’ attitudes toward themselves and their possibilities.

I think that children benefited from this day greatly. They learned more about their rights and saw a real example of handicapped person who leads a full life even in our country and who is striving to become a full member of our society!

We must thank the organizers of this event!”

At the conclusion of the meeting, Igor Olekdandrovich gave an audio record created in the framework of the project “Convention of handicapped persons’ rights as an instrument for accessible justice”. Also children received the possibility to address him for juridical help.

We express a huge gratitude to Shramko Igor and Tatiana Starovoytova for active participation in conducting the lesson, for farewell words and photos that you can see on our website.

Шрамко Игорь Александрович / Shramko Igor

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